War Thunder's final update for 2019 comes in style with quite a few noticeable changes, although some might need a bit of time to reveal themselves. The latest refresh of Gaijin's flagship product, surnamed "Northern Wind" and numbered 1.95, arrived earlier today as scheduled and its main highlight is the introduction of Sweden's full aircraft tech tree.
As usual, there is more than meets the eye in War Thunder's new update — in addition to the aforementioned Swedish tech tree, which can be researched beyond the reserve airplanes by those who purchase pre-order packages or complete certain missions, there are two premium Swedish ground vehicles (the iconic Strv 103-0 and the SAV 20.12.48), the legendary Admiral Graf Spree "pocket battleship" alongside a bunch of British destroyers, Japanese ships, two new naval locations (New Zealand cape and South Kvarken), as well as the fastest ground vehicle in the game so far — the Rooikat 76 Mk.1D, which can hit 120 kilometers per hour.
On the technical side, the game now features Ray Traced Global Illumination, HDR support, as well as a physical spark system that makes explosions and shell hit effects even more realistic than before. Obviously, War Thunder 1.95 also comes with a very long list of minor adjustments and bug fixes. Those eager to find out all the tiny details should check the official change log.