Ah, the loading screen. The bane of modern gaming for some, an opportunity to get another cup of tea for others. However, the PlayStation 5 may finally trash game load times. At least, that’s what gamers are hoping a short tweet from The Last of Us Part II co-director Kurt Margenau suggests.
When asked what information would be put on his games’ loading screens, Margenau replied simply, asking, “What’s a loading screen?” This set Twitter on fire, with many speculating that this implied The Last of Us Part II would be released on the PlayStation 5 in addition to the PlayStation 4. The PS5 has been shown to have insanely fast storage; a fast-travel demo of a Spider-Man game earlier this year showed just how quickly the PS5 can load new areas. That demo was able to load a completely new area in 0.83 seconds, compared to 8.1 seconds on the PlayStation 4 Pro.
Admittedly, drawing that conclusion from a single pithy tweet is a bit of a stretch. However, considering The Last of Us Part II is slated for release in May 2020, just a few months before the PlayStation 5 hits the market, it’s not unreasonable to think Naughty Dog will release a PS5 port soon after the console’s launch. A highly anticipated release would substantially help the console’s early sales and may be just the thing Sony needs to continue its market dominance.
What do you think? Will loading times go the way of the dodo, or will they continue to waste our time throughout the next console generation? Let us know in the comments.
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