The Digital Fair Repair Act is one of the latest bills to pass New York's state legislature. It represents a new legal obligation for OEMs to make the spare parts and tools necessary for third-party device servicing available for sale, and to provide the manuals and guides necessary to do so "under fair and reasonable terms”.
The Act, currently known as either New York Senate Bill S4104A or Aassembly Bill A7006B, does have its limits, as it focuses on categories such as mobile and personal electronics rather than others such as vehicles and medical devices.
Nevertheless, it is been hailed as a victory among the US right to repair movement and its supporters. The new law is also now projected as the effective first domino in terms of similar legislation nationwide, as possibly anticipated by Apple with its recently-implemented Self Service Repair program.
The Digital Fair Repair Act passed by a considerable majority in the states' Senate and Assembly, attaining 59 out of 63 votes in its favor in the former and only 1 of 146 against it in the latter. Now, it remains up to the state's governor Kathy Hochul to either approve or veto its signature into law. Should it pass this final stage, the Act is slated to come into effect in mid-2023.