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Xiaomi Mi A3 owners awake to a bizarre new update

What on earth is Xiaomi doing? (Image source: Xiaomi)
What on earth is Xiaomi doing? (Image source: Xiaomi)
Hopeful that Xiaomi is planning to fix Android 10 for the Mi A3? Well, the company has other plans. Unsurprisingly, people are unhappy by this latest curveball as the wait for a fixed version of Android 10 for the Mi A3 continues.

As we covered the other day, we do not recommend upgrading the Mi A3 to Android 10 for the time being. The latest update, V11.0.8.0.QFQMIXM, is just as bug-ridden as the first Android 10 build that Xiaomi issued to the device. Rather than fix Android 10 though, Xiaomi has decided to release new Android 9.0 Pie builds for the Mi A3.

Starting today, the Mi A3 should start receiving V10.3.17.0.PFQEUXM in Europe and V10.3.16.0.PFQMIXM globally. Both are stable updates, Xiaomi has stressed that it is releasing them in batches to handsets.

Oddly, Xiaomi has pushed the updates to some devices that have already been upgraded to Android 10. While the update will not install if you upgraded your Mi A3 to Android 10, this seems like an oversight on Xiaomi's behalf.

Unsurprisingly, feedback about the update has been poor thus far. Plenty of people have been asking about the whereabouts of a new Android 10 update, for instance. Additionally, others have criticised Xiaomi for releasing new Android 9.0 Pie updates instead of focussing on fixing Android 10 for the Mi A3.

Overall, Xiaomi has had a poor run of form when it comes to releasing updates to its Android One smartphones of late. Releasing new Android 9.0 Pie-based builds will not help matters, either.

(Image source: Xiaomi)
(Image source: Xiaomi)


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Alex Alderson, 2020-03-26 (Update: 2020-03-27)