Cyberpunk 2077 is finally available and everyone seems excited about it. As usual, with great hopes come great disappointments as well, but nothing seems really wrong with this title yet. On the other hand, less favorable reviews get instantly burned to the ground by hordes of fans. We cannot tell if all these angry Cyberpunk 2077 fans have bought the game, but it is certain that at least some of those who are playing the game today obtained it via "less official" channels.
Right now, there are (at least) three major illegal Cyberpunk 2077 downloads — which we do not recommend anyone to grab for both legal/ethical and security-related reasons — spinning around the web: a GOG version that has almost 110 GB in size and contains all the extras, as well as a 55 GB Steam version, and finally the language pack download, which weighs no less than 47 GB and installs over the Steam version. The game needs no crack, since it is a DRM-free title, but pirated versions often come repacked to save space and, in some cases, to include some malware as well.
While downloading the pirated Cyberpunk 2077 release is a very convenient method to get the game for free, there are quite a few tempting offers available that take its price below the US$50 barrier which is great for such an AAA title. Obviously, nothing compares with having the soundtrack CDs, World Compendium, Night City postcards, a city map, and stickers instead of just some bits of data on a hard drive. The Collector's edition, on the other hand, which comes with a bunch of additional goodies, can be found for roughly US$1,000 and more, since the official stock (with a MSRP of US$249.99) disappeared instantly.
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