Apple is facing a new lawsuit concerning the build quality and longevity of some of its products. It is being brought by 3 plaintiffs from different areas of the United States. Their argument is that Apple has broken Californian laws, and are thus guilty of false advertising, breach of contract and other similar charges. This is apparently because Apple markets its iMacs and MacBooks as devices with the assurance of superior build quality and longevity - an assurance the plaintiffs believe has been failed.
For example, these individuals have taken issue with the fact the many MacBook models are susceptible to dust ingress. This has been documented as resulting in such issues as keyboard failures, motherboard failures, CPU overheating and others leading to the premature decline in performance in the devices affected. To this end, the plaintiffs have argued, Apple should have incorporated dust filters into these laptops in order to live up to the premium design it promotes when selling these devices.
Furthermore, the 3 individuals' suit also alleges that some iMac screens develop cosmetic defects due (again) to dust ingress over time. The company strongly recommends that this is addressed through screen replacement by official Apple repair technicians, at costs that may be in the region of US$600. However, the suit seems to imply that Apple intentionally withholds the fact that the iMac's screen can be removed and cleaned from the inside with ease due to its magnetic attachments, thus rendering a replacement unnecessary, from customers.
The people behind the suit have also been reported to appeal to additional Apple customers with similar experiences. This could result in the conversion of their complaint into a class-action lawsuit. To date, Apple has declined to comment on this situation.