OnePlus celebrated its 8th anniversary yesterday (December 17, 2021) and has followed it up by starting its roll-out for its latest software, OxygenOS 12 for its current flagship smartphones the 9 and 9 Pro, up again. The OEM had been obliged to pause it shortly after its initial roll-out due to multiple, reproducible reports of bugs in its system.
Now, however, OnePlus claims that they are gone and that 9 or 9 Pro users can start installing it - for the most part. This new, reworked (or C.39) version is rated to fix its most major problems, such as the loss of mobile data, strangely invisible notifications, and increased app-starting latency that were present in the original (C.36).
However, some other, apparently less important bugs remain. They reportedly include the loss of the UltraHD 48M/AUX camera mode in the GCam app and that of autofill in Chrome. Then again, OnePlus has stated that they should be addressed in a subsequent, "follow-up" OTA.