Macho Nacho Productions has demonstrated a project designed to give Nintendo Switches with broken displays a new lease of life. Produced by SetEngineering on Etsy, the project centres around a 3D-printed shell that converts the Switch or Switch OLED into something of a conventional home console. Strictly speaking, the modded Switch could still be used when away from a power source though, as it does not remove the device's built-in battery.
However, it completely eliminates the option of using the console in handheld mode. With that being said, the project's 80 mm fan increases the Switch and Switch OLED's cooling capacities. As a result, the Switch OLED has been shown to run at up to 8°C degrees under full load, theoretically increasing the console's lifespan.
Additionally, the temperature reduction allowed Macho Nacho Productions to overclock the 'Re-Shelled' Switch OLED to 1,963 MHz on its CPU, plus 998 MHz and 2,131 MHz on its GPU and RAM, respectively. Still, the extra cooling capacity that the Re-shell kit offers yielded lower temperatures and fan speeds when compared to a fully stock counterpart. The Re-shell Kit is available for £41.15 on Etsy for Switch and Switch OLED models. At the time of writing, SetEngineering offers various colour options with personalisation options too.
SetEngineering - Etsy (1) (2) via Macho Nacho Productions