The blog LetsGoDigital has discovered a patent, for a new game controller, apparently filed by Intel. This device has all the bells and whistles you might expect from the average Sony DualShock; however, it also appears to have extra buttons towards its bottom edge, which could be media controls. That is not its most original feature, though: it also integrates a touchpad, found in the upper central part of the design.
Intel does not exactly specify what use-cases this novel controller component could have, although it may have come up with some by the time it comes to market this putative device. It is also not clear at this point if this possible own-brand gaming product could be wireless. However, its drawings do suggest that it could have HDMI inputs, as well as what could be dual USB type C ports and a 3.5mm headphone jack.
The appearance of this patent on the United States Patents and Trademarks Office (USPTO) database has led to speculation that Intel will sell the resulting device as part of an upcoming cloud gaming platform. Intel may indeed have plans for the same in the works: it introduced just such a state-of-the-art Gaming Solution at G-STAR 2018, in partnership with Tencent's Cloud and WeTest divisions.
This Solution is based on Xeon processors, although the actual content would presumably be provided by the other collaborator in this endeavor. Therefore, they may have channeled Google in also moving to offer their own game controller to go with any real-world result of this project. Hopefully, Stadia's current teething problems have not put Tencent or Intel off the idea entirely.