Zipforce ONE portable motor can turn a regular bike into an e-bike
The Zipforce portable electric motor can transform a standard bike into an e-bike. The device can assist you at speeds up to 25 kph (~16 mph) and can be attached to the front or rear of your bike. Zipforce suggests that the gadget could be handy for commuters who want to avoid working up a sweat on their way to the office.
The Zipforce ONE kit includes the portable electric motor, rechargeable battery, charger, pedal sensor and bike mount. The battery has a range of up to 60 km (~37 miles), with typical use making the device last for around 30 km (~19 miles). The battery recharges in four hours, and the total weight of the Zipforce One kit is 2.7 kg (~6.0 lbs). Plus, you can easily detach the motor when you park the bike, so it cannot be stolen
Zipforce claims that converting your existing bike into an e-bike is better for the planet and only costs you a third of the price of a new vehicle. You can now buy the Zipforce ONE for €649 (US$683), with shipping costing around €39 (US$41). The kit is currently available in European countries, including the Netherlands, France, Sweden and Italy; it is unclear whether or when the device will be available in other regions