StrategyAnalytics now claims to have found that the Galaxy S21 series outdid their forebears by about 300% in terms of sales in their first month post-launch in the US market. These new findings mirror others that indicate these 2021 phones did 1.5 to 2 times better than the previous generation in Samsung's native country, South Korea.
This success is thought to be due to various discounts across the series that have taken effect in the US in 2021 already, not to mention the relatively reduced starting prices in the S21 and S21+. Nevertheless, the most expensive S21 Ultra has reportedly managed to account for 40% of its line's sales in the country.
Then again, Samsung might now see a lull in S21 shipments for the US as they get further and further from launch. However, this potential drop in revenue could be arrested by the rumored S21 FE, currently said to debut early compared to its predecessor in the third quarter of 2021.
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