In this third decade of the new century, users have just come to take the ability to exert a completely confluent theme throughout their macOS or Windows interface. Many people might prefer to use this new license in order to keep things as dark as possible for the sake of their eyes. In this case, it's a shame when the almost-obligatory time to use Google Search in a browser comes, bringing with it the ubiquitous pale background to knock you flat with its unremitting brightness.
Recently, however, the Mountain View company has finally acknowledged these problems and have developed a dark theme for its often-necessary search engine as typically accessed on PCs. Its background is gray rather than black, with white text and links that remain blue. This upgrade has been spotted before as Google started to test its new style.
Now, however, it has reportedly entered A/B testing, which means users might have a better chance of getting it on their devices. It can't be found in a webpage or browser menu, but rather kicks in on detecting the activation of a dark theme in system settings. Once implemented, it brings up a dialog box that invites the user to keep or discard the changes. This new way to view Google Search might arrive across the board over the next few months.