Those who were waiting for the Samsung Galaxy Fold will have to hang on for a bit longer due to the screen-related issues that surfaced recently. However, in less than a year, Samsung fans might have at least three foldable handsets to choose from: the Galaxy Fold as we know it, and the upcoming Type G and Type S.
According to a report by South Korean media outlet The Bell, the two aforementioned foldable handsets are both larger than the Galaxy Fold. The Type G is reportedly a device with two sides that folds in to form the letter "G" and has a generous 8-inch display. The Type S is even larger — it has a 13-inch display and obviously folds in the shape of the letter "S." Sadly, there are no other technical details available at this stage.
Obviously, all the above should be taken with a grain of salt for now. However, a report that surfaced last month also mentioned two foldable devices by Samsung — one that uses a classic clamshell design and the other that employs the out-folding approach. That report also included a possible launch date for the out-folding device, which is supposed to be unveiled later this year or in early 2020.
Given the delay of the Galaxy Fold, do you think that the company's first foldable might turn into a second Galaxy Note 7-style failure? Would you buy it once it comes out — supposedly without any display problems — or wait for its successors instead?