Some time ago, we got a glimpse at what Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 2 had in store for us. The prospects of a new weapon, monsters and terrain are pretty exciting, more so in a Doom game. It turns out, we don't have to wait long for the highly-awaited DLC to drop. The official Doom Twitter handle just announced that Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 2 will be up for download tomorrow (March 18, 2021).
Those who got the Doom Eternal Deluxe Edition will be able to play it for free. Others will have to buy it separately. The Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 2 trailer shows quite a few interesting gameplay elements, such as the new Sentinel Hammer, Imps that can roll away from you, a blue, fortified, Baron of Hell, and a red Makyr drone.
There are a few never-before-seen aspects, too, such as allies who fight alongside you, an antagonist who is inside a giant mech, and a dragon, for some reason. The trailer makes Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 2 look like a mishmash of Avengers: Endgame, Transformers and Game of Thrones. Then again, it is a conclusion to the Doom 2016 story arc, so, understandably, id Software had to make it as cinematic as possible.