The popular online messaging service Telegram has announced that it wants to celebrate its seventh anniversary with the advent of video-calling on its platform. This app supports other kinds of video content, but live calls have never been one of them - until now.
Despite its alpha-stage status, this new feature is rated for picture-in-picture support, which may allow for multitasking while maintaining the call. Telegram also asserts that it has end-to-end encryption, which is verified by comparing a sequence of 4 emojis between both parties to a call, as with this app's voice-call and private messaging functions.
Telegram also claims that either party can switch video on or off during calls. It also projects that this new facility will be expanded with abilities such as group-calling soon. However, it has also admitted that the alpha update is only compatible with its version for Android at present.
The company has apologized to its iOS-user fans for the need to cut them out of this celebratory upgrade, while putting the blame for it squarely on Apple. Apparently, the Cupertino giant failed to "review the update" in time for its 7th anniversary blog update, despite Telegram's claim it submitted the relevant material "several days before sending it to Google Play".
iOS or no, the ability to offer video calls may prove a major coup for Telegram. Apps with this function are currently cleaning up on app markets, in accordance to the obligatory trend towards virtual communications and collaboration.
The app now stands to take a potential chunk out of the interprofessional end of this market, in addition to typical consumers looking for methods of talking to each other using their devices that are at least described as safe and private.
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