Telegram: More evidence of a new 'Premium' tier allegedly comes to light thanks to new website code
Telegram is a WhatsApp or Signal alternative still used by millions worldwide. Part of its appeal might be its current pledge to remain "free forever". However, according to recent reports, that is set to change with a new 'Premium' plan.
The mobile developer Alessandro Paluzzi has posted what is depicted as a new version of the familiar 'red gift-box' splash page that touts the app as remaining ad- and subscription-free in perpetuity. However, its alleged update goes back on that pledge in creatively re-wording the caption to "Telegram provides free unlimited cloud storage for chats and media".
Accordingly, Paluzzi, who claims that this updated clause is derived from "the new strings available on", indicates that this is further proof of his earlier leak pointing to the imminent launch of Telegram Premium.
The new fee-based tier reportedly confers exclusive reactions, stickers "and more" for an as-yet; then again, the organization behind the original app has yet to confirm or deny these findings.