Twitch has announced that it is banning users from posting dangerous misinformation. The streaming service purports that users who post such information on the platform can potentially lead to harm. Thus, the platform is restricting these users from accessing the website.
Twitch firmly states that usual streamers and viewers who use the service are not likely to be affected by the change in policy. Instead, the focus would be on users who constantly post harmful mistruths on the site. The company also maintains that it will not ban users for 'one-off' posts.
Individuals will be barred from the streaming website only if they fit certain criteria. Twitch identifies three criteria that describes bad actors who spread misinformation as follows: '(1) persistently sharing (2) widely disproven and broadly shared (3) harmful misinformation topics, such as conspiracies that promote violence.'
Keeping the community safe is the end goal of this policy according to Twitch. Furthermore, the platform is dedicated to updating the policy by consulting experts in the field and taking into consideration the trends of the industry.