Samsung has detailed its sustainability policy and initiatives in a press release that focuses on the company’s agreeable decision to replace as much plastic packaging as possible. Plastic pollution is clearly one of the great concerns of modern living; to put things into stark context, some researchers have claimed that by 2050 in terms of weight there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish.
Many companies are guilty of swathing their brand-new tablets and smartphones in masses of plastic packaging, but it seems Samsung wants to act upon this by repackaging all of its products – from smartphones and tablets to washing machines and televisions. Smartphones, tablets, and wearables will now come in pulp mold holder trays and the little plastic bags that are used for device accessories will be made with “eco-friendly materials”.
One interesting step Samsung will be making that could seem initially trivial at first is the change of finish for phone chargers. The glossy chargers of old will be replaced by those adorned with a matte finish. However, when you consider that the South Korean company ships hundreds of millions of smartphones a year alone (not including tablets, watches, etc.) that’s a lot of unnecessary gloss paint. The plastic protection films chargers usually come in will also be phased out.