Struggling to find a case to go with your new Galaxy Note 20 or Note 20 Ultra? Well, Razer has designed one for both devices, and the company claims that it can improve the performance of your new flagship. The case is called the Arctech Pro and features Razer's usual blend of neon green and black. The Arctech Pro weighs 45 g for the Note 20 Ultra edition and 39 g for the Note 20 version.
Both versions will retail for US$44.99, but Razer is yet to state when it will begin shipments. The main draw of the Arctech Pro, besides its Razer branding, is its passive cooling technology. According to Razer, it has applied a Thermaphene layer inside the case that will prevent "CPU slowdowns that may cause in-game lag or stutter".
The Arctech Pro is also "drop-certified", although Razer does not go into specifics. Instead, it claims that the Arctech Pro is scratch-resistant and is "tough enough to save your phone against any nasty dings or drops". Additionally, Razer has applied an anti-bacterial coating to the outside of the case. The case has reinforced side panels too and is 5G compatible.
Buy them now on Amazon:
Galaxy Note 20
Galaxy Note 20 Ultra