Two days ago, we reported that Reddit users were having problems with their OnePlus 5 rebooting when calling 911. Since then, more users from around the world have found that the reboot was also happening when dialing the emergency services number in countries other than the United States.
We hoped that OnePlus would be able to fix this scary problem quickly, and it appears that they have managed to find a solution. Seattle_Horn, the original poster on Reddit, has edited their post to say that OnePlus has been in contact - "After talking with OnePlus and sharing my log files which included the issue, the OnePlus Tech team was able to send me a test update and the 911 bug has been fixed!". Seattle_Horn went on to say that this fix was specific to their device, but that OnePlus is planning to use it as a template to create a patch for other OnePlus 5 owners.
OnePlus also made a statement regarding the fix saying "...We have been in touch with the customer and have tested a software update that has resolved the issue. We will be rolling out the software update shortly". We suspect that OnePlus will develop this fix as an OTA update to ensure that all vulnerable phones are patched as quickly as possible.
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I grew up in a family surrounded by technology, starting with my father loading up games for me on a Commodore 64, and later on a 486. In the late 90's and early 00's I started learning how to tinker with Windows, while also playing around with Linux distributions, both of which gave me an interest for learning how to make software do what you want it to do, and modifying settings that aren't normally user accessible. After this I started building my own computers, and tearing laptops apart, which gave me an insight into hardware and how it works in a complete system. Now keeping up with the latest in hardware and software news is a passion of mine.
> Expert Reviews and News on Laptops, Smartphones and Tech Innovations > News > News Archive > Newsarchive 2017 07 > OnePlus 5 OTA update for the emergency call bug expected soon
Craig Ward, 2017-07-21 (Update: 2017-07-21)