Blackberry released the Priv towards the tail end of 2015. The device had its time out in the sun, receiving one major update that took it from Lollipop to Marshmallow, and promptly reached the end of its life in December last year. It would seem that, in spite of the company officially announcing the end of support for the device, the Priv has received yet another update.
The update is apparently a patch for a vulnerability. The update takes the firmware number to AAW068 but doesn't affect the security patch date.
It's not exactly surprising. Back in December when Blackberry dropped the device, company Vice President Alex Thurber said, "Having now stepped outside the original 2-year window, we will no longer be delivering monthly updates for the Priv moving forward. That said...should a critical vulnerability be exposed we will engage our partners as needed to develop and deliver necessary patches."
It's good to see the company keep its word, although we have a feeling Priv users won't be too thrilled after they received just one major update during the official lifespan of their devices.