TCO Certified is an organization that aims to promote improved sustainability in the IT industry's production cycles. This is done by releasing criteria for the durability and recyclability of PC hardware, as well as how easy it is to upgrade them over time. As this may lead to the same devices being used for longer, the process contributes to TCO's overall goal.
The group claims that its latest, eighth-gen panel of certification criteria are the most exhaustive yet. Nevertheless, it has also reported that the OEMs Dell, HP and Lenovo have satisfied them. This is not surprising, as all 3 OEMs tend towards a reputation for TCO's main categories.
TCO's criteria also relate to how companies procure their parts, and how they are disposed of at the end of their life-cycles. Therefore, the desktops, laptops and components of the future may have a better choice of avoiding the landfill and of being re-used in the manufacture of their successors, and so on. You can check your own device's TCO certification status for yourself on its website.