Recall Summary
Name of Product:
Tablet 7"
Hazard: The power adapter casing can break when plugged into an electrical outlet, exposing its metal prongs, posing an electric shock hazard.
Remedy: Replace
Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled power adapters and register online for a free replacement adapter along with a Barnes & Noble $5 gift card. Once registered, consumers will be able to print a pre-paid UPS label to return the recalled adapters to Barnes & Noble. Consumers will receive replacement adapters in the mail. Until a replacement adapter is received, consumers are advised to charge their NOOK Tablet 7” through their computer using a USB cable.
Consumer Contact: Barnes & Noble toll-free at 877-886-5025 from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, or 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. ET on Saturday and Sunday, or online at and click on "Product Recalls" listed at the bottom of the page.
Recall Details
Units: About 147,000
Description: This recall involves the black power adapter sold with the NOOK Tablet 7". The adapter bears markings: model number TPA-95A050100UU, manufacture date 201610. The NOOK Tablet 7" model number BNTV450 is located on the back of the NOOK.
Incidents/Injuries: Barnes & Noble has received four reports of the power adapter breaking or pulling apart exposing the metal prongs. No injuries have been reported.
Sold at: Barnes & Noble stores and online at from November 2016 to January 2017 for about $50.
Importer: Barnes & Noble, Inc., of New York
Manufactured in: China
This recall was conducted, voluntarily by the company, under CPSC’s Fast Track Recall process. Fast Track recalls are initiated by firms, who commit to work with CPSC to quickly announce the recall and remedy to protect consumers.
About U.S. CPSC:
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of injury or death associated with the use of thousands of types of consumer products under the agency’s jurisdiction. Deaths, injuries, and property damage from consumer product incidents cost the nation more than $1 trillion annually. CPSC is committed to protecting consumers and families from products that pose a fire, electrical, chemical or mechanical hazard. CPSC’s work to ensure the safety of consumer products - such as toys, cribs, power tools, cigarette lighters and household chemicals – contributed to a decline in the rate of deaths and injuries associated with consumer products over the past 40 years.
Federal law bars any person from selling products subject to a publicly-announced voluntary recall by a manufacturer or a mandatory recall ordered by the Commission.
To report a dangerous product or a product-related injury go online to or call CPSC’s Hotline at 800-638-2772 or teletypewriter at 301-595-7054 for the hearing impaired. Consumers can obtain news release and recall information at, on Twitter @USCPSC or by subscribing to CPSC’s free e-mail newsletters.
CPSC Consumer Information Hotline
Contact us at this toll-free number if you have questions about a recall:
(TTY 301-595-7054).
Times: 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. ET; Messages can be left anytime.
Call to get product safety and other agency information and to
report unsafe products
Media Contact
Please use the phone numbers below for all media requests.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- How do I know if I have recalled adapter?
If you purchased your NOOK® Tablet 7" between November2016 and January 2017, you have a recalled adapter. The recalled adapter can be identified by its markings which include the model number "TPA-95A050100U" and the manufacture date code "201610". The adapter looks like this: - How do I charge my NOOK® Tablet 7" without the adapter?
You can charge your device by connecting it to a computer through a USB cable. - What do I need to do to request a replacement?
You will need to register online at and log in using your NOOK or account. If you do not have an account, select “create an account” and follow the prompts. Once logged in, you will also be asked to provide the serial number of your NOOK Tablet 7". There are several ways to find your NOOK serial number.
For purchases made either online at or in one of our Barnes & Noble Retail Stores, your NOOK Serial Number will be located on the original box in which it was purchased (see picture below).
If you purchased your NOOK at one of our Barnes & Noble Retail Stores, you can also find the serial number listed on your receipt. Below is an example of a store receipt highlighting where you can find the serial number.
Barnes & Noble Booksellers #2366
340 Christiana Mall
Newark, DE 19702
(302) 369-7050
STR:2366 REG:003 TRN:5046 CSHR:marcus b
NOOK Tablet 7"
9781400501656 N
(1 @ 49.99)
Serial# 6061******05747 TOTAL
If you no longer have either of these items, please refer to the following options:
Option 1: Back of Tablet
1. Turn your NOOK over so the screen is facing down.
2. The serial number will be towards the bottom backside of your NOOK.
3. The serial number will begin with the number 6.
Option 2: In NOOK Settings
While your NOOK is powered on, you can locate the serial number by accessing the "About" section in your NOOK "Settings" within the "NOOK Home" menu. Follow the instructions outlined below to proceed with this option. 1. Tap the "NOOK Home" icon.
2. You will now be at the NOOK Home Screen. Tap the Menu Bar located on the top left corner and then tap "Settings" which is the last option on the list.
3. You will now be in the "Settings" Section. Tap on "Software".
4. Your Serial Number will now appear on the screen.
If you have any questions, please call us at 1-877-886-5025 from 8am to 11pm ET, Monday through Friday or 9am to 11pm ET Saturday and Sunday.
- Can I return my NOOK Tablet 7" and get a refund?
Yes. We are accepting returns and providing refunds until the end of February. - Does this recall affect other NOOK devices?
No, it does not. This recall only affects the adapters sold with the NOOK Tablet 7" between November 2016 and January 2017. - When will the NOOK Tablet 7" be back in stock? Can I still purchase the NOOK Tablet 7"?
The devices are not currently on sale. We are working quickly to replace recalled adapters in the hands of consumers and packaged with the NOOK Tablet 7" in inventory. We anticipate resuming sales of the NOOK Tablet 7" by mid to late February. - Is it okay/safe for me to continue using my NOOK Tablet 7"?
Yes. This issue does not affect the NOOK Tablet 7" device itself. Please immediately stop using the adapter until we provide a replacement adapter. In the meantime, the NOOK Tablet 7" can be charged by connecting it to a computer through a USB cable. - Are there any other NOOK or Samsung Tablets affected?
No, this voluntary recall does not affect other NOOK or Samsung Tablets. - How do I get a replacement for my adapter?
Please go to to register for a replacement adapter and for a pre-paid shipping label to return the recalled adapter. Barnes & Noble will send you a free replacement adapter upon receipt of the returned adapter. If you have any questions, please call us at 1-877-886-5025 from 8am to 11pm ET, Monday through Friday, or 9am to 11pm ET on Saturday and Sunday. - How do I return the adapter?
Please go to to register online. You will be asked to provide some information including the serial number for your NOOK Tablet 7". Upon completion, you will be provided with a pre-paid 2nd day air shipping label to print out at home and use for returning your adapter. Once we’ve received your adapter, we will ship you your replacement. - Where will my replacement adapter be shipped?
Your replacement adapter will be shipped to the address you requested when you filled out the replacement request via this link: - Can I go to a retail store and do an exchange?
We do not currently have replacement adapters in stock at our retail stores. Please request your replacement adapter online by going to or call Customer Service for the NOOK Adapter Replacement Program at 1-877-886-5025 from 8am to 11pm ET, Monday through Friday, or 9am to 11pm ET on Saturday and Sunday.