A photo apparently showing a warning message from an overheating PlayStation 5 console has been shared online. The perturbing (for a future PS5 owner) words read “Your PS5 is too hot. Turn off your PS5, and wait until the temperature goes down.” Of course, the image could have been faked, but if it wasn’t then there may be a reasonable excuse for the console to be in this worrying state.
It appears the photo was taken of a PS5 being used in the sort of demo kiosk that can be found in many major retailers. The reflections visible on the TV screen certainly lend weight to the notion that this particular next-gen console is located in a large electrical retail unit. Fortunately, another photo was uploaded shortly afterwards to show the kind of situation the PS5 is in when utilized in these demo kiosks.
As can be seen in the second image below, the PS5 is tightly wedged inside a cabinet that seems to barely give a gnat’s lungs’ worth of air around the console. Obviously hardware with the kind of high-powered components featured inside Sony’s console need room to breathe, especially when they are being stressed over a long period. The PS5 might have a cutting-edge cooling system in place to keep things ticking over, but every console owner knows better than to keep a hard-working gaming device locked up in a tiny space.
There have already been unsubstantiated reports of the PS5 running hotter than its Xbox Series rivals, but even at the supposed maximum temperature of 65 °C/149 °F there shouldn’t be any overheating/shutdown issues, as modern CPU/GPU parts can easily cope with these levels. Hopefully, any heat concerns will soon be cleared up when official PS5 reviews start appearing online.
NeoGAF (Gabbar Singh/Kyshakk)