With the MessengerPi, a messenger system is currently being financed as part of a Kickstarter campaign. Although the model is essentially a DIY walkie-talkie, it can also send and receive text messages. Not surprisingly, the range differs quite considerably between sending text messages and transmitting spoken content. When used as a walkie-talkie, a range of about 984 feet is said to be possible. When limited to text messages, a range of up to 3 miles should be possible.
As a messenger, the MessengerPi supports 16 channels. Here, communication takes place via LoRa: this radio standard also supports communication over long distances, though with a lower throughput; this also makes it suitable for status updates from IoT devices, for example. Data Relay Forwarding is supported, meaning that other devices can act as relay stations and therefore significantly extend the effective range. Encrypted communication should also be possible. An additional major advantage of the LoRa approach is, of course, that it doesn't depend on an existing mobile radio infrastructure - and communication is free of charge.
Users should be able to enter text messages quickly and easily using a QWERTY keyboard. An RP2040 microcontroller is used as an SoC, and the 2-inch display is intended to allow messages to be read easily and clearly. There's also a built-in memory card slot for storing important messages.
The current price for two MessengerPi units on Kickstarter is about $139, and they're due to be delivered in March 2024. The walkie-talkie is available for a lower price. Potential supporters should understand the financial risks of crowdfunding campaigns and inform themselves in detail about the shipping modalities.