The Note 8 is here! You really want it, but you're also stuck with a Galaxy Note 7 that you really wish you could get rid of. For cash, preferably. Well, Samsung has come to the rescue! The company is willing to take it off of your hands and offer you a pretty penny in exchange. Deals don't get sweeter than that, right?
How many pretty pennies, exactly, can you expect to get for your now-obsolete device? Up to US$425 worth, that's how many. All you have to do is get the Note 8 on Samsung's website once pre-orders go live on August 24, and select the option to send them your Note 7 as a trade-in. Presumably, you won't get the money immediately, but instead as a mail-in rebate, or some sort of after-the-fact refund, sometime in the indeterminate future.
Now, don't expect every Note 7 handset to fetch the full $425. Trade-in values will of course depend on the condition of your device. But it's not like anyone else is coming forward to buy a potential fire and explosion hazard of a phone anyway, so whatever amount of money your phone qualifies for is still better than throwing it away (which you shouldn't do, by the way—recycle it instead) or keeping it on your bookshelf as an emergency fire starter in case you ever need one, for some odd reason or other.