In just the latest road rage incident between an EV and gas-powered car owners, one 16-year-old Tesla Model 3 driver was seemingly chased and harassed by the people in two lifted trucks for the sole reason of driving an electric car. The difference with most such encounters is that the whole incident was caught on tape by Tesla's surround camera system. Upon leaving a McDonald's parking lot in California with the windows down and the music blasting, the Tesla driver got apparently yelled at by a passenger in a lifted white Chevy truck near the exit. A blue Ford pickup then started tailing the Tesla with its passenger throwing things at the electric car.
The Model 3 pulled away then break-checked the Ford after a sharp turn. At one point, it became clear that both trucks are going after the Tesla and chasing it around parking lots without letup for 20 minutes. The white Chevy truck was especially persistent and, after passing the Tesla, its passenger threw a beverage can that hit the side of the electric car. The Tesla driver eventually got scared and called 911 only to be asked repeatedly by dispatch if they are in an emergency situation.
In the end, no law enforcement arrived at the scene and the Tesla driver managed to get away. He immediately went to the police station to file a road rage harassment complaint, but was kept there for several hours with nobody coming to look at the footage from his Tesla. The driver eventually managed to file a report and was visited by two police officers later on to show them the road rage incident captured by his Model 3 cameras while the EV was chased by the Ford and Chevy truck drivers. "Unfortunately, this is the reality of driving an electric vehicle even 40 minutes from Los Angeles," commented the young Tesla driver.
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