Just as expected, Ubuntu 17.10 reached its End of Life status on July 19, exactly 9 months after its October 19, 2017 release. This non-LTS release, nicknamed "Artful Aardvark," was supposed to receive support for a 9-month period, so there is nothing special about this. After all, its users can simply update to Ubuntu 18.04 "Bionic Beaver" without breaking a sweat.
Ubuntu 18.04 is a LTS release that will be supported for no less than 5 years — until April 2023, to be accurate. However, this only applies to Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server, and Ubuntu Core. Ubuntu Studio, a flavor aimed at general multimedia production, only gets 9 months of support. All the other Ubuntu variants that have not been mentioned here receive 3 years of support.
Returning to the Ubuntu 17.10 and its users, we should add that the Ubuntu Security Notices will no longer include any new packages or information for it. Obviously, this means that new package updates for this obsolete Ubuntu version are no longer accepted, either.
To get all the details needed to upgrade from Ubuntu 17.10 to Ubuntu 18.04, those interested should check out this page. Obviously, if there's anything that you would like to share — related to Ubuntu Linux, if possible — feel free to drop a comment.
Adam Conrad (via email)