Telegram's first new update for the new year adds a third-party verification system that allows users to identify sources at a glance. With the new system, official third-party services on the platform can add extra verification icons to their accounts and chats.
The company, which announced it was profitable for the first time earlier this month, hopes the system "will help prevent scams and reduce misinformation." Tapping on the icon in their profiles will reveal more information about their status.
Telegram stressed that this was independent of the checkmark verification system for public figures and organizations. It also said an account must be verified by Telegram first to provide third-party verifications. Currently, individual user accounts cannot be verified on the platform.
Besides that, you can now turn gifts into collectibles that can be traded on NFT marketplaces. Gifts are custom messages and emojis that can be shared with other users for Telegram's in-app currency. The recipients of these gifts can now upgrade them to collectibles, which unlock a new appearance and a random secondary trait like background color, icon, or number.
Users can also react to service messages displayed by the platform when receiving gifts, starting video chats, or adding new members to a group. The platform has also added more filters for the search bar to refine results into private chats, group chats, or channels. Oh, and you can now use custom emojis for folder names.
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