The cloud gaming service has reached a place with OnLive where no others have gone before on Android tablets and smartphones with Apple’s iOS devices to follow. If we define OnLive it is a distributed gaming service that takes all the horsepower needed to crunch complex games and handle it remotely. It passes just the visual data to a client device using a compression algorithm that makes the picture according to the bandwidth you are using.
It requires no processing to be done virtually, only enough to serve up the client application and shuttle input data back to Onlive’s remote servers. The recommended speed is 5Mbps, but it runs comfortably with 2Mbps.
This was earlier possible only on desktops but now it has moved to mobile devices as the tablets. And above all if you are not used to cloud gaming or hate the ugly artifacts that appear when the connection speed drops or latency increases, its appearance on the tablets and smart phones is momentous.
The next obstacle in your path is the availability of the games. Most of the games are not present in the mobile spaces, so playing a few games like L.A. Noire or Batman: Arkham City, for instance are needed to be played only on PC.
But now OnLive’s new tablet/smartphone version is launching with 25 games and all of them are adopted for touchscreen. And the list of games even includes some of the names which a traditional gamer will search for as LEGO Batman, Assassin’s Creed Revelations, L.A. Noire and also Batman: Arkham City.
And now if you want to give it a shot, all you need is the freebie OnLive client application which is downloadable from the android market. It includes a free copy of LEGO Batman which will give you a chance to test drive your connection. You can also try if it works better over 4G than in 3G. According to OnLive it is fully compatible with the 4G LTE service.
The Universal OnLive Wireless Controller which sells at $49.99 is not available yet but OnLive says it will arrive soon.
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