The HiSilicon Kirin 650 is an ARM-based octa-core SoC for mid-range smartphones and tablets. It was announced early 2016 and features eight ARM Cortex-A53 cores. Four cores can be clocked with up to 1.7 GHz (power saving cores) and four with up to 2 GHz (performance cores). Furthermore, a ARM Mali-T830 MP2 graphics card (at 600 MHz with 40.8 GFLOPS), a 64-Bit LPDDR3 memory controller and a dual-sim capable LTE Cat. 6 (max. 300 MBit/s and GSM, WCDMA, UMTS, HSPA+) radio are integrated in the SoC.
The processor performance can be compared with the older Kirin 930 and therefore sufficient for daily usage as browsing and non demanding apps. High-end SoCs with Cortex-A57 or A72 cores however should be noticeably faster.
The SoC is produced in a modern 16nm FinFET process and is therefore very power efficient.
The HiSilicon Kirin 935 is an ARM-based octa-core SoC (system-on-a-chip) for smartphones and tablets. It was launched in the first half of 2015. It integrates two quad-core clusters of Cortex-A53 cores (big.LITTLE). The performance cluster clocks at up to 2.2 GHz, the power saving cluster at up to 1.5 GHz. Furthermore, the SoC integrates a ARM Mali-T628 MP4 graphics card and LTE Cat. 6 modem. The SoC is manufactured in 28nm and thanks to the small Cortex-A53 cores also suited for smaller smartphones.
- Range of benchmark values for this graphics card - Average benchmark values for this graphics card * Smaller numbers mean a higher performance 1 This benchmark is not used for the average calculation
log 10. 11:44:45
#0 ran 0s before starting gpusingle class +0s ... 0s
#1 checking url part for id 8075 +0s ... 0s
#2 checking url part for id 6774 +0s ... 0s
#3 redirected to Ajax server, took 1725961485s time from redirect:0 +0s ... 0s
#4 did not recreate cache, as it is less than 5 days old! Created at Tue, 10 Sep 2024 05:16:08 +0200 +0s ... 0s
#5 composed specs +0.026s ... 0.026s
#6 did output specs +0s ... 0.026s
#7 getting avg benchmarks for device 8075 +0.001s ... 0.027s
#8 got single benchmarks 8075 +0.005s ... 0.031s
#9 getting avg benchmarks for device 6774 +0.001s ... 0.032s