Generative AI website 1 | Wallpapers by AI
New wallpaper auto-generated every hour. Indeed, every hour, a new image appears on the website. It is easy to save a picture to one's device - to do that, one would have to click on an image to get a larger version of it, then click the Download Desktop or the Download Mobile buttons located in the lower half of the page. This opens a full-resolution version of the image that can then be saved by right-clicking it and selecting Save image as.
Most of these AI-generated wallpapers depict varous landscapes - forests, lakes, mountains. They tend to look minimalistic and reserved, much like what one would expect to see on an Apple MacBook or a Microsoft Surface.
Generative AI website 2 | SOUNDRAW AI Music Generator
AI music generator for creators and artists. This AI-powered website lets one make music with just a few mouse clicks. Specifically, the user is expected to select a genre (Rock, DnB, Latin, Techno & Trance, etc.), track length (10 seconds to 5 minutes), instruments used (piano, acoustic guitar, bell, etc.), tempo (slow or normal or fast), theme and mood.
The resulting audio files get generated in mere seconds and sound better than expected; however, the dedicated pricing page makes it clear that to get a right to use these tracks in a YouTube video or in a podcast, one will have to sign up and get a paid subscription for US$17 or US$30 a month.
Generative AI website 3 | Fusion Brain
An interactive portal where AIRI Institute researchers host open-source AI models. Fusion Brain is easy to use. Enter a phrase, such as "a hedgehog wearing sunglasses", hit Create, and in just a couple of seconds, the website will spit out a picture that can then be cropped to a desired aspect ratio (there is a convenient setting for that in the upper part of the page) and downloaded.
The website appears to be a little buggy. One may need to reload the page to be able to generate another image. This is more than made up for by the fact that the images generated are of more than serviceable quality.
Generative AI website 4 | PicFinder.AI
PicFinder is better than Fusion Brain in at least one respect - in response to a query, it gives the user several images to choose from, rather than one. Other than that, it's a similar affair here; type a few words into the box, hit Enter, and AI-generated images will appear on the screen in just a few seconds.
Much like it is with many other AI-powered websites, the About Us page does not really disclose any information on who's behind PicFinder, or the technology that it runs on.