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VIA Nano U2250 vs VIA Nano L2100

VIA Nano U2250

The VIA Nano U2250 is a power efficient processor for small and light laptops / netbooks. IT is clocked from 1.3 GHz upwards (in the Samsung NC20 1.5 GHz). It is the counterpart to the Intel Atom processors and slightly faster than a 1.6 GHz Atom (at 1.5 GHz).

The power consumption of 10 Watt is higher than the Atom counterparts, but VIA states a low idle power consumption of 200mW.

VIA Nano L2100

► remove from comparison VIA L2100

Der VIA Nano L2100 ist ein 64Bit Einzelkernprozessor für kleine Notebooks und steht in direkter Konkurrenz zum Intel Atom der ersten Generation. Er ist PIN kompatibel zu den älteren C7 Prozessoren und unterstützt im Vergleich zum Atom "Out-of-Order" Ausführung und mehr Befehle pro Takt. Auch Hardware Verschlüsselung namens VIA PadLock Security Engine wird vom Nano unterstützt (Dual Quantum Random Number Generators, AES Encryption Engine, NX Execute Protection, und SHA-1 und SHA-256 Hashing).

Die Performance des Nano L2100 ist im Schnitt 15-20% über einem 1.6 GHz Atom angesiedelt (also etwas höher als ein gleichgetakteter Atom). Der Stromverbrauch ist jedoch ebenfalls deutlich höher.

ModelVIA Nano U2250VIA Nano L2100
SeriesVIA NanoVIA Nano
Series: Nano Isaiah
VIA Nano L21001.8 GHz1 / 1 cores
VIA Nano U2250 « 1.5 GHz1 / 1 cores
VIA Nano U2500 compare1.2 GHz1 / 1 cores
VIA Nano L2100 « 1.8 GHz1 / 1 cores
VIA Nano U22501.5 GHz1 / 1 cores
VIA Nano U2500 compare1.2 GHz1 / 1 cores
Clock1500 MHz1800 MHz
L2 Cache1 MB1 MB
Cores / Threads1 / 11 / 1
TDP10 Watt25 Watt
Technology65 nm65 nm
Features64 Bit64 Bit


Cinebench R10 - Cinebench R10 Rend. Single (32bit)
1 U2250 +
888 Points (5%)
Cinebench R10 - Cinebench R10 Rend. Multi (32bit)
1 L2100 +
1085 Points (1%)
wPrime 2.10 - wPrime 2.0 32m *
1 U2250 +
174 s (35%)
3DMark 06 - CPU - 3DMark 06 - CPU
1 L2100 +
585 Points (1%)
Super Pi mod 1.5 XS 1M - Super Pi mod 1.5 XS 1M *
1 U2250 +
91 s (20%)
Super Pi mod 1.5 XS 2M - Super Pi mod 1.5 XS 2M *
1 U2250 +
208 s (9%)
Super Pi Mod 1.5 XS 32M - Super Pi mod 1.5 XS 32M *
1 U2250 +
4740 s (21%)
SiSoft Sandra Dhrystone (MIPS) - SiSoft Sandra Dhrystone (MIPS)
1 U2250 +
4562 MIPS (2%)
SiSoft Sandra Whetstone (MFLOPS) - SiSoft Sandra Whetstone (MFLOPS)
1 U2250 +
3547 MFLOPS (3%)

Average Benchmarks VIA Nano U2250 → 0% n=0

Average Benchmarks VIA Nano L2100 → 0% n=0

- Range of benchmark values for this graphics card
red legend - Average benchmark values for this graphics card
* Smaller numbers mean a higher performance
1 This benchmark is not used for the average calculation

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log 11. 07:16:05

#0 ran 0s before starting gpusingle class +0s ... 0s

#1 checking url part for id 469 +0s ... 0s

#2 checking url part for id 416 +0s ... 0s

#3 redirected to Ajax server, took 1739254565s time from redirect:0 +0s ... 0s

#4 did not recreate cache, as it is less than 5 days old! Created at Mon, 10 Feb 2025 05:17:27 +0100 +0s ... 0s

#5 composed specs +0.002s ... 0.002s

#6 did output specs +0s ... 0.002s

#7 getting avg benchmarks for device 469 +0.001s ... 0.003s

#8 got single benchmarks 469 +0.003s ... 0.006s

#9 getting avg benchmarks for device 416 +0.001s ... 0.007s

#10 got single benchmarks 416 +0.003s ... 0.01s

#11 got avg benchmarks for devices +0s ... 0.01s

#12 min, max, avg, median took s +0.004s ... 0.014s

#13 return log +0s ... 0.014s

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Redaktion, 2017-09- 8 (Update: 2023-07- 1)