PC gaming has sort of taken a back seat in recent years due to the success of home consoles, but one of PCs top game developers is envisioning a future where players will steadily swing towards tablets for their gaming needs.
In an interview with develop-online.net, Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli made this comment about the current PC gaming market:
“It is not a decline; it is a shift that is happening, and that shift is not only to free-to-play and PC download clients, but also to mobile and tablet. I say those devices because mobile and tablet platforms are replacing the PC, and replacing it for gaming as well. Mobile and tablets are taking the sales from laptops, they are also replacing the acquisition of gaming content.”
Yerli continues to state that downloadable items, such as those from the App Store or Android Market, will become more commonplace. Even notebooks would have a tough time keeping up with the ease of accessibility and mobility of a tablet device. Eventually, tablets could become the preferred gaming platform.
While Yerli’s future of gaming can seem a little farfetched, a recent study from Google revealed a massive 84% of tablet owners actually use the device primarily for games. In any case, PC gaming appears to be relatively safe for now. That is, at least until tablets can run Crysis.
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