Some iPhone X users are complaining about a couple of issues related to its Samsung-manufactured AMOLED display. Some users have complained that their iPhone X's display becomes unresponsive in cold temperatures, while another subset of users are complaining that their iPhone X display starts to show a green on the display after a period of use.
Apple has acknowledged the screen freezing issue and had this to say on the subject to The Loop:
We are aware of instances where the iPhone X screen will become temporarily unresponsive to touch after a rapid change to a cold environment. After several seconds the screen will become fully responsive again. This will be addressed in an upcoming software update.
While it seems like it is on top of the temperature related screen freezing problem, Apple hasn’t yet had anything official to say in relation to complaints about the vertical green line issue some customers are also reporting. In this instance, it may well be hardware related and only something that can be addressed by taking the faulty device in for a replacement, as at least one user suffering from the problem has been able to do.
Samsung AMOLED displays have experienced similar issues in the past. The Galaxy S7 Edge had some problems where a pink line appeared on their AMOLED display affecting some users. Some Motorola Droid Turbo 2 users also experienced a similar vertical green line issue. We’ll update readers should Apple officially respond to the situation.