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Comparison of Mobile Processors (CPU Benchmarks)

This table is sorted by the approximate speed of the (laptop) CPU. It contains average benchmark values of some internal and external reviews. Furthermore, the list can be sorted and filtered by the user.

More detailed informations on the different processor series can be found in our comparison of mobile processors.

Note, that there are also some desktop processors in the list (because some laptops are equiped with desktop CPUs and for comparison).


(Manufacturer, Model, Series, Codename), Connect search words with   .

   min. TDP W    max. TDP W    Cores Threads    Architecture

all, none

all, none


PosModelL2 Cache + L3 CacheTDP WattMHz - TurboCores / ThreadsPerf. Rating3DMark06 CPUCinebench R10 32Bit SingleCinebench R10 32Bit MultiCinebench R11.5 CPU Single 64BitCinebench R11.5 64BitCinebench R15 CPU Multi 64BitSuperPI 1M*wPrime 32
Qualcomm Snapdragon 615 MSM893917008/8
Mediatek MT675315008/8
Mediatek MT675015008/8
Archived (old): AMD E-350 (Zacate), AMD C-50 (Ontario), Intel Atom D2700 (Cedarview), AMD E2-2000 (Zacate), AMD E2-1800 (Zacate), AMD E-450 (Zacate)
(-) * Smaller values are better. / n123 Number of benchmarks for this median value / * Approximate position

TDP ... Thermal Design Power =  expected maximum power from each of its components while running realistic, worst case applications

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> Expert Reviews and News on Laptops, Smartphones and Tech Innovations > Benchmarks / Tech > Mobile Processors - Benchmark List
Redaktion, 2023-12-12 (Update: 2023-12-12)